We’re heading into the gloomy, rainy months of Portland’s winter but that doesn’t mean the photography is stopping – we’re still cruising along in our photography journey, and there is much more to learn! Let’s take a look back at some of our favorite Plus exclusives from the past few weeks and peer ahead into the future of what’s to come in ON1 Plus!

Coming soon, FREE for all Plus members, the Introduction to Timelapse Photography course. In this course, we’ll dive into one of the most visually stunning realms of photography – using your DSLR to capture images and then transforming them into smooth, time-lapse video with the ultimate photo editor, ON1 Photo RAW 2022.  Photo RAW’s Time-lapse engine is easy to use and produces some really cool time-lapse videos. We’ll discuss everything from intervalometers and frame rates to encountering various types of light in one shoot (I.E. day to night).

Other Plus items coming this month:

  • November Loyalty Rewards
  • Hudson’s Tip Video
  • Retouching Tools eBook by Austin Jackson

Let’s take a look back at our favorite releases from October and early November. 

In early November, we released the Natural Compositing course. A deep dive into creating scenes and new compositions using multiple layers – it’s the perfect course for those looking to build natural composite images with people, birds, wildlife, new skies, and more. In October, it was all about vintage weather presets and Hudson’s Milky Way tip video – let’s take a look!

Natural Compositing

Compositing Milky Way & Star Images

Mastering Creative Brush Shapes in ON1 Photo RAW

October ON1 Plus Loyalty Rewards

Everything New in ON1 Photo RAW 2022

Thank you for being a Plus member. We’re extremely excited for the future of ON1 Plus and your photography.