Tony Vasquez earned a bachelor’s degree in Fine Art Photography at Ball State University of Indiana. His life experiences are evident in his work. Whether taking a portrait of a bride and groom, senior portrait, or shooting a band on stage, his art is an expression and celebration of life. He was kind enough to share his journey with us.

When did you first pick up your first camera?
I first picked up a camera when I was a freshman in college pursing a graphic design degree. I had to take black-white film class as prerequisite. I realized that I loved taking photographs so I changed my degree emphasis to fine art photography. Learning photography with film and experiencing the darkroom has helped me appreciate and have better understanding in the digital world.
Cami senior portrait session shot by Vasquez Photography
When did you realize you could pursue photography as not just a passion but also a career?
I realized that I could pursue photography as a career when my side photography jobs began to take more and more of my time. I had started to use vacation time at my full-time job just so I could make time for my side photography jobs. It was then I decided to take the leap of faith and pursue my passion.
What is your dream photoshoot?
I love shooting live music so my dream photoshoot would be to photograph one of my favorite bands (Wilco, My Morning Jacket, Radiohead, or The National) at Red Rocks Amphitheater near Morrison, Colorado.
Where does ON1 fit in with your workflow?
ON1 Photo 10 is a wonderful tool that I use to create my signature look. With my work I love deep rich color that doesn’t come off as overly saturated. No matter what kind of photography I’m doing be it concerts, events, portraiture, landscape, or architectural I can use the entire program to create that “it” look for me.

Connect with Tony Vasquez
