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11897 Views 00:12:50
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On October 24, 2019 at 11:09 pm Stephen Patrick wrote:
I just take photos for fun as a hobby and moved from Adobe this year. I have to say the way this software holds your hand with the video examples and it’s ease of use I am finding preferable to Adobe.
I have always preferred keywords as they write to the metadata and when reinstalling it as I do not wish to lose my sorting should there be a hardware failure. I keep a backup of photos just for this reason. If I used albums solely would the albums be lost if there was a hardware issue?
On October 28, 2019 at 2:41 pm Dylan Kotecki replied:
I would recommend using catalog folders because you could use them in similar ways to albums and then you could view the photos in them quickly because it would create a small media cache for you.
On November 10, 2019 at 7:14 pm Michaela Harper wrote:
great tutorial, thank you!
On February 29, 2020 at 12:43 pm Brad Cherson wrote:
i am trying to find a tutorial to explain file management, such as using lightroom how the files are handled when on 1 is used and back to lightroom
also, if i wanted to try the file structure by exporting the lightroom catalogs to on 1 would that disrupt any file structures in LR.
My issue is to be able to retrive the edited on 1 photo when i want to revisit to continue editing or to reprint an image totally finished.
I hope you and on1 would consider doing a tutorial without the thousands of options to explain the file management for the various methods of storing images, i.e. external
On October 17, 2020 at 3:38 pm michael lucero wrote:
Hi Dylan,
Nice job with the tutorials!
Question…inside of PR 2020 (Windows), why is it that I don’t have file>import? Instead, I have file>Import from Device? I have to click on this option, then O.K. through a window each time that tells me I have no device connected. After this, I can then go to the source pull down menu and navigate.
The fact is, I always import from a SD card that is the V: drive. Is there any way to make this the default so that I don’t always have to acknowledge that I don’t have a camera connected?
Thanks, Michael
On May 2, 2022 at 2:09 pm John Harrop wrote:
Maybe I missed an answer already here. How do I import sidecar files with a directory I’m importing? These are not from cards, but directories of images I’d previously moved from cards and worked on some of the images. Now I’m reorganizing and modifying things like the file names which previously didn’t change from the original image name.
Thanks, John