Welcome back to another ON1 Plus weekly tip video! This time around, we’re delving into the world of creating triptychs using ON1 Photo RAW. Triptychs involve breaking down a single image into three separate sections, which you can then use for printing, wall displays, or collages. They’re not just easy to make within Photo RAW, but also incredibly enjoyable and can result in some truly awesome pieces of art. So, let’s get started! To begin, we’ll need to access the resize inside of Photo RAW. Once we’re in resize, we’re going to skip the resizing part and instead head over to the tiling feature, which you can find under the panes section. From there, we’ll set up the tile size to create three columns and one row, effectively overlaying the triptych format onto our image. It’s a simple process with much creative potential, so have fun!

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