ON1 Photo RAW 2024.5
ON1 Photo RAW 2024.5
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Ends July 30!

Print Week: Day 4 – Making Your Own Print

Now that we’ve finish edited our file, calibrated our monitor and soft-proofed the image, it’s time to make a print. I’ll showcase my workflow for creating a small test print (a hard-proof) before printing this image big. Tomorrow Matt is going to share a video about how to send your images off to have printed at a lab.

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Print Week: Day 3 – Monitor Calibration and Softproofing

If you want to get really accurate prints, calibrating your monitor is critical. Without a well calibrated monitor, it’s tough to know if you are viewing accurate tones and colors as you edit and softproof your images. In the video below I’ll show you how I use my i1 Display Pro colorimeter to calibrate my display.

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Print Week: Day 2 – Sharpening, Noise, and Soft Proofing

Welcome to Day 2 of print week. A few of the questions we get a lot when it comes to printing is how much do you sharpen your photos? How about Noise Reduction? And finally, how do you soft proof? Well, today we’ve put ’em all in to one topic, and believe it or not, it’s actually much easier than it all sounds. Enjoy!

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Print Week: Day 1 – Processing and Finish Editing Your Image

We are so excited to kick off print week! Each day we’ll be covering a variety of topics to help you get your image from the digital darkroom to the wall. Soft-proofing, monitor calibration, printing yourself, sending prints out? We are covering it. Here’s a short print week introduction video that will let you know what to expect in the days ahead.

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Nicolesy Tip 4: Creating a Double Exposure

One of my favorite things to do in ON1 is to create double-exposures. This image was created using two main images: the portrait of the model dressed as a geisha, and an iPhone photo of the branches of a tree filled with cherry blossoms. Then, I finished it with a paper texture that you can find inside of your “My Extras” folder in ON1 Layers. Watch how I transform it into a work of art!

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May Photo Critique Videos

Hey everyone! Here’s the next round of photo critiques. A huge thanks once again. There were a TON of great photos submitted! Seriously, I think this was one of the best yet 🙂

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ON1 Photo RAW — A New Way to Work with Presets

If you’ve used ON1 Effects (or even Lightroom®) you understand the value of presets. Presets are used all the time whether you make some for yourself or import presets from others. Presets allow you to “wrap-up” your settings so you can use them again on other photos. Today presets are created at the module level, such as presets for Effects, or Enhance or Resize. You can view and apply these presets in the modules that created them or batch process with them.

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ON1 Photo RAW

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New 2024.5

Offer ends July 30!