January 24, 2023 | 11588 Views | By Dan Harlacher

ON1 Insider – A Sneak Peek at Crop Overlays

ON1 Photo RAW, the best raw photo editor, is getting a major update that includes new features and updates requested by customers. The update will be free for existing 2023 owners and will include a handy new crop overlays feature, which includes the rule of thirds, grid, diagonals, and golden spiral to help achieve the perfect composition.

Additionally, users can now hide overlays for a more streamlined editing experience. Keep an eye out for an announcement in the coming weeks for the next big update to ON1 Photo RAW!

38 comments on “ON1 Insider – A Sneak Peek at Crop Overlays”

  1. On January 26, 2023 at 12:32 pm David Price wrote:

    David Price

    Another worthwhile improvement 🙂

    1. On February 2, 2023 at 5:45 pm STANLEY LANE replied:


      You put lots of effort into these changes but sadly I still have to use PS Elements to do my resizing to fit my 30″x20″ custom frame. Elements has a simple resize page where I can resize my image to, in my case, 26″ x 16″ at 300 dpi, resampling to do so. I have sent this as a suggestion 2 times in 18 months and you ignore this seeming simple capability and instead spend effort to build in a spiral which you say in the video is “everyones favorite”. Please, please give me what Elements can do to resize.

      1. On February 3, 2023 at 8:25 am Patrick Smith replied:

        Patrick Smith

        Hi Stanley- You can’t crop to a specific size that changes the number of pixels non destructively. That’s why it’s not going to work this way. An alternative would be to open Resize AI and just type in the dimensions you want in the end. So crop in Develop to the size you want, then open resize AI and type in the dimensions you want to resize to.

      2. On February 8, 2023 at 8:24 pm STANLEY LANE replied:


        The sequence of steps suggested by you (Patrick Smith) to resize my image to 16″ x 26″ at 300 dpi are too complicated and difficult. In fact, when I use Faststone to edit my image in ON1, Resize AI is grayed out. That makes no sense. I do not understand why my 10 year old copy of PS Elements can do what I want with a minimum of clicks, and mighty modern ON1 can’t. Shame. Get your software writers to copy the RESIZE page from Elements instead of working on changes few want. Surely they have a copy of PS Elements and can click on Image, Resize and note the options and simplicity, including resampling. They should also click on Element’s crop icon (on the left) and note how simple it is, including setting dimensions and DPI. Shame on ON1 for not being able to do this. My advice to ON1 users is to go buy a current or old version of Elements to resize, level, and crop their images. ON1 has no valid excuse for not being able to do this as simply as 10 year old Elements can.

      3. On February 9, 2023 at 8:20 am Patrick Smith replied:

        Patrick Smith

        Elements is not a non-destructive editor like Photo RAW. That is the main difference and like I said this won’t change unfortunately. It’s the same for most other non-destructive editors as well (Lightroom for example). If it were easy to change, we would implement it. If the quality in upscaling your images isn’t important, I would just continue using Elements the way you are using it. If image quality is important, I would highly suggest running the image through ON1 Resize AI and spending the one or two extra clicks. Just my suggestion. I am not sure what your Faststone workflow is with ON1 Resize AI, but if its grayed out it could be the file format is not supported.

      4. On March 28, 2023 at 6:18 pm STANLEY LANE replied:


        I do not understand your excuse of why ON1 can’t make resize as easy as in Photoshop Elements. To say it is because “ON1 is nondestructive” simply does not need be true. I do not destroy my images by using Elements. After editing in Elements I save the image with characters added to the file name. Simple as can be. Thus my original image is NOT DESTROYED. I do the same in ON1, I simply add characters to the image’s name. I do not care about or need ON1’s nondestructive features because I never destroy my images by using my workflow. By the way, my workflow uses Faststone as my image browser. It has features ON1 does not. When in Faststone if I want to edit in ON1 I press Alt-3 and the image opens in ON1’s edit mode. When I do this RESIZE AI is grayed out. Apparently the image has to be loaded into edit from your image browser or else resize Ai will be grayed out.

        Please add the simple Element’s resize and crop screens. If that causes your nondestructive features not to work from that point forward, just pop up a warning screen explaining why this way of resizing or cropping will sacrifice nondestructive editing and advise being sure to save the image under a new name. This would be a big help to many and not even be noticed or used by others. I love ON1 but do not need it to save my editing steps because I always save the edited image with a new name, and I do this whether using ON1, Elements, or Luminar.

  2. On January 27, 2023 at 2:14 am Martial Fournier wrote:

    Martial Fournier

    Quand aurai-je cette mise à jour tant attendue ?
    Cordialement, Martial.

  3. On January 27, 2023 at 10:23 am dave veneri wrote:

    dave veneri

    Forget this nonsense. How about a much needed panorama stitcher!?!?!?!? How in the world you dont have something that EVERY other software provider offers is beyond me.

    1. On January 27, 2023 at 3:08 pm Patrick Smith replied:

      Patrick Smith

      A panorama stitcher has been in ON1 Photo RAW for a few years now. Still in there!

    2. On January 27, 2023 at 5:41 pm Cris Davis replied:

      Cris Davis

      There is one VERY effective see Browse Module RH side panel and see Hudson Henry’s course on Panos + info re Panos in recent video about managing bright light.

  4. On January 27, 2023 at 10:30 am Richard Summers wrote:

    Richard Summers

    Would be great if you could set a size for the overlay, so for example, if you had a massive 6k image, and wanted to crop it to 4k, you could set the size to 4k, or custom, and then move the image to suit.

  5. On January 27, 2023 at 10:45 am Yvan wrote:


    Hi, would it be possible to keep the crop “area and center position” when we change our mind about various ratio of cropping (ex. changing from 2:3 to 4:5)?

    As it is right now, when I change the ratio, the crop tool goes back to full image. This makes it harder to toggle between 2:3 and 4:5 ratios crop of a same area of an image for fast comparisons.

    Thanks for your work !

  6. On January 27, 2023 at 12:25 pm edoverst wrote:


    This is fantastic. I am delighted to see options other than rule of thirds, which I sometimes thing is in danger of becoming a cliche. Good to see the other choices as well as the option to hood the overlay except when manipulating the image boundaries. Well done!

  7. On January 27, 2023 at 12:40 pm Robin Hatton wrote:

    Robin Hatton

    Thank you Dan for the preview of the new crop tool….very handy. I really hope there will Canon R6M2 raw profiles included in this new update coming soon so I can process me raw files. I’m sure other people have purchased this Camera and not just me.

  8. On January 27, 2023 at 1:25 pm Peter Bye wrote:

    Peter Bye

    Interesting and useful although please devote more time and energy to improving the AI masking and AI sky tools, especially for complex scenes such as wooded forests where the sky is visible through the fine branches of trees.

  9. On January 27, 2023 at 1:31 pm John Chasse wrote:

    John Chasse

    This is a long awaited capability…..I had to use (buy) add-ons such as Phi Matrix Golden Ratio or go to Lightroom to analyze a photo for crop decisions or review purposes. Thanks ON1 Raw.

  10. On January 27, 2023 at 1:54 pm Robb Charles wrote:

    Robb Charles

    Nicely done! I just can’t get enough of ON1. I just wish there was more time in the day I could spend without going blind!

  11. On January 27, 2023 at 2:27 pm Gerd Zacherl wrote:

    Gerd Zacherl

    One wish from a non native english speaker.
    could you please speak a little slower.
    Sometimes it’s difficult to follow you.
    You speak simply to fast for me.

    Sorry for that.

    1. On January 29, 2023 at 8:13 am James Easley replied:

      James Easley

      I’m a native English speaker, and he speaks too fast for me, as well.

      1. On January 30, 2023 at 10:02 pm David Raff replied:

        David Raff

        You can slow the playback speed of YouTube by clicking on the gear icon at the bottom right of the video.
        David R

  12. On January 27, 2023 at 3:43 pm Robert Baldassano wrote:

    Robert Baldassano

    Thanks for this new feature. There is still one thing I would like to see in ON1, that is supported by Photoshop and that is LAB space. My current workflow includes running Picture Postcard Workflow in LAB space for all my images. It allows me to do things that would be difficult in RGB space easily. Now I must swap back and forth if I want to use ON1 and PS together and take advantage of PPW.

    I do appreciate all the work you are doing to enhance ON1 and look forward to more new features.e

  13. On January 28, 2023 at 3:26 am Hein Visser wrote:

    Hein Visser

    good afternoon, i agree with Gerd Zacherl , Dan could you please speak a little bit slower. for a nonnative speaker it is sometimes hard to follow you. Thanks.

  14. On January 28, 2023 at 5:35 am William Westerhoff wrote:

    William Westerhoff


    I appreciate everything that you do for us. I always look forward to your annual upgrades. I am very anxious to see what else you have in store for us.


  15. On January 28, 2023 at 7:02 am Bohdan wrote:


    Nicely done ON1. I’ll looking forward to seeing that in the next update.

  16. On January 28, 2023 at 7:17 am Tom Harrington wrote:

    Tom Harrington

    Great improvements! I can use the Golden Ratio and Triangles (I trust they are also based on the Golden Ratio) and that grid, as strange as it is WILL be very handy for leveling using either horizontal or vertical lines. Thanks so much!

  17. On January 28, 2023 at 11:03 am Sylvia Groenheide wrote:

    Sylvia Groenheide

    Just a few weeks ago I wondered why these crop overlays were missing. Glad to see that they are coming with the new update!

  18. On January 28, 2023 at 12:43 pm Melissa Emery wrote:

    Melissa Emery

    Spiral crop? I hope there will be a video on that one!

    1. On February 3, 2023 at 9:46 am holger.b replied:


      It’s not about spiral crop, but about a curve that reflects deep internal principles of beauty within nature overlaid over your photo in order to select a way of cropping that the content follows the pattern and the composition will be improved this way. It’s a line – among others following the same principle – to organize cropping in a way that rules for composition are met the best way in order to achieve a harmonic look of the photo.

  19. On January 28, 2023 at 2:23 pm Adam Rubinstein wrote:

    Adam Rubinstein

    Super addition Dan, would you consider adding the ability to use multiple overlays simultaneously by allowing multiple check marks rather than unitary? Thanks!

  20. On January 28, 2023 at 2:44 pm Vladislav Jurco wrote:

    Vladislav Jurco

    Nice, looking forward. However for time being now I would mostly appreciate removed bugs, updated memory management and stability of program. Beyond that everything is welcomed bonus. I hope that this update will expectations of many and bring back the joy of editing with this excellent program.

  21. On January 30, 2023 at 1:29 pm rumblebird wrote:


    Long overdue an highly welcome 🙂

  22. On February 1, 2023 at 3:10 pm Steve Thomas wrote:

    Steve Thomas

    Great to see The Golden
    Ratio snail there, I always struggle to visualise where the important areas are there.

    Thanks very much!

  23. On February 2, 2023 at 8:48 am Miros?aw Nowakowski wrote:

    Miros?aw Nowakowski

    Well, at last 🙂 I’ve been waiting for this since 2018, since switching from Lightroom!

  24. On February 3, 2023 at 9:42 am holger.b wrote:


    This will be a very helpful tool to improve composition of photos while cropping them. The golden rule indicated as rule of thirds or Fibonacci curve works and reflects internal principles of beauty within nature. I have been waiting for something like this for so long. Thank you very much for offering this tool with the next upgrade!

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