March 18, 2022 | 4333 Views | By Dylan Kotecki

February Recap & What’s Ahead for ON1 Plus

We hope everyone had a fantastic February! Last month was an exciting month for Plus members and their photography, let’s take a look back at some of our favorite Plus exclusives and peek into the future of what’s to come in ON1 Plus for March!

Coming in March, FREE for all ON1 Plus members, are two all-new episodes of our new monthly series! An all-new episode of each of the Hidden Secrets with Dan Harlacher and Photo First Aid with Dylan Kotecki.

The Hidden Secrets with Dan Harlacher episode will explore the hidden fun that’s possible in ON1 Photo RAW. The Hidden Secrets series is perfect for learning the not-so-apparent capabilities in Photo RAW and other ON1 plug-ins.

The Photo First Aid with Dylan Kotecki is the perfect series for anyone looking for tips and tricks on giving images some TLC. From removing distractions to correcting color to creating detail, this series will have you fixing up your images in no time!

Other Plus items coming this month:

  • March Loyalty Rewards
  • Hudson’s Tip Video

In February we took a deep dive into creative extras! From skies to textures to backgrounds, we learned how to import them, organize them, and of course how to use them creatively! We released the How to Shoot Creative Extras Course and the How to Use Creative Extras course to showcase how easy it is to capture and incorporate various creative extras into your scene. Hudson also released his monthly tip video on Creating Panoramas – a perfect video for anyone looking to stitch together exposures into a breathtaking final photo! Let’s check out some of the most recent releases in ON1 Plus!

How to Use Creative Extras

How to Shoot Creative Extras

How to Create Panoramas

Organizing Master Photos & Exporting

Introduction to Macro Photography

Thank you for being a Plus member. We’re extremely excited for the future of ON1 Plus and your photography.

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