This week we are going to take a look at the nerdy side of Luminosity Masking.  We are going to break down the Luminosity Masking panel and get in the weeds.   The nerdy stuff is my favorite, hey, I never claimed to be a cool kid 🙂

The big question I get is “What is the difference between Levels and Window” in the new ON1 Photo RAW?  It is a valid question and one worth looking at for a good amount of time.  The focus for this lesson is not going to be on editing with these LM’s but it will look at how to create them using the LM panel.
What’s in this video?

  1. Where do we find Luminosity Masking?
  2. What is the difference between Luminosity Masking and Apply To?
  3. Luminosity Masking Panel Breakdown
  4. How do we use Levels and Window to control our Mask?
  5. How we use the Color Range for fine-tuned selections

In this series:

3rdIntro and welcome 
10th:  What are LM’s: The “Science” Behind the Mask (You Are Here)
17th:  LM’s and Landscape images
24th:  LM’s and Portraits
31st:  Advanced Workflow with Masking