ON1 Photo RAW 2024.5
ON1 Photo RAW 2024.5
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Ends July 30!

A Small, Cheap, But Must-Have Item in My Camera Bag

Here’s a quick video on a must-have item in my camera bag. It’s one of those things that’s small, cheap, and easy to keep with you and can make a huge difference when you really need it. Oh, and here’s the links to the two that I mentioned.
• Hoodman USA Lens Wipes (Click here)
• Zeiss Lens Wipes (Click here)

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Batch Processing Presets from Lightroom to ON1

Last week I did a video on the ways to jump to Lightroom from ON1. One of the questions that came up involved applying ON1 presets in Lightroom. While there’s no direct way to apply ON1 presets in Lightroom, there’s an awesome little tip about how you can batch export photos from Lightroom, and have ON1 automatically presets to the photos without you lifting a finger (well, after you lift your finger to kick off the batch process that is) 🙂
Anyway, here’s a quick video on how to use the Lightroom Export dialog to apply your favorite ON1 presets. Enjoy!

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An American Ascent On the Big Screen

Hey everybody. As many of you know I spent a good part of the summer of 2013 as the cinematographer/still-photographer for An American Ascent, a documentary film on Denali (previously Mount Mckinley). It’s toured the festival circuit and garnered a number of awards over the past year.

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How Do You Retouch Portraits?

For photographers who photograph people, retouching faces can be a big part of their workflow. However, the amount or style of retouching and the tools and techniques used vary. Like any creative adjustment, the amount or style of retouching changes from artist to artist and can even change over time based on the trending look. Haven’t you noticed the style of retouching has shifted to be a more natural, subtle adjustment over the past five years or so? Just a few years ago everyone had porcelain smooth skin and snow-white teeth. This also reminds me of the parallels with HDR. A few years ago HDR was over-the-top with crazy contrast and color. Today it’s a more refined style.

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July Plus Rewards

Inspired by experiences in nature; sand on a beach, blades of grass, flowers swaying in the breeze, or the movement of water.

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Update From Matt

Hi all! I wanted to give you a quick update about ON1 Plus now that we are half way through the year. I’ve enjoyed all the great questions, posts, videos, and conversations I’ve had in this community and wanted to give a sneak peek about what’s coming the rest of this year, and next!

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Best Practices for Jumping to ON1 from Lightroom

I always see questions about the various ways to get over to ON1 from within Lightroom. There’s the Photo > Edit In menu and there’s the File > Plug-In Extras menu. They each work just a little different so I figured I’d do a quick video on the best practices to use. Enjoy!

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New Video: Your Photo Our Look

Hey there everyone! A while back many of you submitted photos for Hudson and I to edit. We still have a ton of them left which is why we haven’t opened up submissions again. This time around I found a couple of photos that jumped out at me as being good candidates for some stylization. Enjoy!

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Controlling Haze & Fog

As a landscape photographer you can mostly control the places you photograph, the time of day, and season, but that’s about it. You can’t control weather, air pollution, and many other factors. Haze in the air, causing atmospheric distortion, is a common problem and a tough one. Particulate in the air, whether from smoke, pollen, pollution or water vapor, creates haze. The amount of haze increases the farther away the subject is and can create layers of haze. There are a few tools to help reduce haze when you’re shooting, like UV/Haze filters and Polarizers. Often times they only provide a little help. With software, you can increase the contrast to help cut through the haze but it can negatively impact the darker tones if you’re not careful. A few photo editing software providers have developed special controls for reducing haze.

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ON1 Keyboard Shortcuts

I’ve noticed people asking about keyboard shortcuts here and there, so I thought I’d create a post to help out. Here’s what we’ve got for ya’:
1) A way to find out keyboard shortcuts right in the app
2) A PDF download of the keyboard shortcuts, you can print and keep for reference.

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ON1 Photo RAW

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New 2024.5

Offer ends July 30!