ON1 Photo RAW 2024.5
ON1 Photo RAW 2024.5
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Ends July 30!

Announcing the Photo Challenge 16 Winner

Hi everyone! First off I wanted to give a HUGE thanks to all that participated in the Photo Challenge this past week. We had over 350 entries which is amazing. It shows that this community is here to play (or at least here to win some free $$) 🙂 But I do hope that, in addition to having the chance to win some $$, it also gave you the opportunity to look through your photos from 2015, and see where you’ve been over the last year.

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Dynamic Contrast – The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

A while back, I did a post on using the ON1 Effects Dynamic Contrast filter and some of the negative things that come along with it (and how to remove them). Well, in last week’s photo critique on of the images that came up had some extra contrast added in the background and I offered the photographer (Mark Coons) some advice on removing it (even though Mark didn’t really need to because the image was selling already) 🙂

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How to Capture and Edit Photos for Time-lapse

As photographers we constantly make creative decisions involving time and movement. We use long exposures to accentuate motion over time. We freeze time with fast exposures to capture the power of athletes in motion. Creating time-lapse video is another really fun way to visually dramatize time. It allows us to dabble in a new realm and capture the world of movement that we see around us in new and exciting ways.

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7 Random Things About Hudson Henry

The man… the myth… the legend. Hudson Henry is his name. Or is it Henry Hudson? 😉 I figured I’d do a quick post to share 7 random facts about Hudson with you, so you can get to know him a little better. While I’ve only known Hudson for a few years, and I only get to see him once every few months, he’s become a very dear friend of mine and I consider him one of my favorite people. As this coaching experience goes on, I’m sure you will too. But in the meantime, here’s 7 things you probably didn’t know about Hudson.

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Should You Do a 365 Photo Project?

It’s the new year, and time for resolutions and all that fun stuff. Well, whether you’re in to resolutions or not, this is a great time to think about your photography. And one of the topics that pops up around the new year is the infamous 365 photo project. Basically it means taking and posting at least 1 photo a day for the entire year.

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Welcome to ON1 Plus!

Congrats on taking the first step toward improving your photography! You have joined a community of people just like you! Now you have access to extensive video training, photo critiques, fun challenges, and some of the best photography educators in the world!

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Offer ends July 30!