In this video, we explore a minimalist setup and search for the best subjects in a chaotic after-thunderstorm garden scenario. The light is fading and the wind is picking up, so what can a macro photographer do? Of all the potential points of interest, two get explored and we end up with decent images despite the chaos.

A few things to consider:
– Controlling the background is important, and it can add an extra layer of colour and depth
– When clarity becomes too difficult, intentionally push into the abstract and embrace blur
– Walk around and see things through your own eyes, explore every possibility before settling on a subject
– Some of my macro images take days or more to execute. This quick video shows simple setups, but the more time you spend on a single concept the better your execution will be… and the more new ideas you’ll have!
– Make the most of the chaos – there’s plenty of it around in the universe at out feet!